ll video rende felici. Videoarte in Italia is a major publication on Italian video art, published in conjunction with an extensive exhibition at Palazzo delle Esposizioni and Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Rome, and edited by Cosetta Saba and Valentina Valentini. Hopefully at some point it will be translated into English, in order to offer to an international audience and scholarship a wide overview of the Italian contribution to the histories of Video Art from the Sixties. I had the pleasure to contribute with an essay on video in the age of platform capitalism, focused on practices of appropriation and re-use. A pdf version of my essay is available here.
Domenico Quaranta, “Il video nell’era del platform capitalism: social media, big data e cinema database”, in Cosetta Saba, Valentina Valentini (a cura di), Videoarte in Italia. Il video rende felici, Treccani, Roma 2022, pp. 553 – 561.