Truthless Trust

Francoise Gamma, Fractura, 2021. Animated GIF, 488 × 584 pixels, 301 frames

On the website of Spike Magazine you can now read an edited excerpt from my book Surfing con Satoshi. Arte, blockchain e NFT, translated into English by Anna Rosemary Carruthers. The excerpt offers a good chance to announce the upcoming English version of the book, that will be made available in spring by Postmedia Books and, in a limited edition designed by Superness, by Aksioma, Ljubljana. Meanwhile, enjoy Truthless Trust!

Domenico Quaranta, “Truthless Trust”, in Spike Magazine, February 1, 2022

Fungible Reading List


I finished writing my book, Surfing con Satoshi. Arte. blockchain e NFT (Postmedia Books, Milano 2021) on May 4, 2021. Here you can find its full bibliography. Since then, I kept reading things on related topics, and saving links and references on a text file, sometimes with short captions that I found relevant. I will keep doing it here, in shared form. Feel free to send me useful readings and enjoy!

Nella crypto giungla / In the Crypto Jungle su Inside Art


Before the summer, I’ve been interviewed by the Italian magazine Inside Art on topics related to my fresh book, Surfing con Satoshi. Arte, blockchain e NFT (Postmediabooks, Milano 2021). The interview is now available in printed form, in Italian and English (pdf scan here). Below, I’m releasing the full original text file for the sake of archiving.

inside art - in the crypto jungle

Francesco Angelucci, Fabrizia Carabelli, “In the Crypto Jungle”, in Inside Art, Issue 122, July 2021, pp. 58 – 67. Online version (Italian)

L’introduzione a Surfing con Satoshi tradotta in cinese

Alterazioni Video, Surfing with Satoshi, 2013. Production still

Grazie a Ren Yu, che ha scovato su Medium la versione inglese dell’introduzione a Surfing con Satoshi, quest’ultima è ora disponibile anche in lingua cinese! La potete leggere al seguente link:

2021 年 2 月 19 日,〈霓虹貓〉動畫的原作者 Chris Torres 在線上平台 Foundation 以約 561,000 美元的價格售出了該動畫,那個平台幾個月前才剛成立。實際上,出售的是與作品相關的 NFT(non-fungible token,不可替代的代幣),這是一串數字代碼,用來代表、並在乙太坊區塊鏈上永久識別該圖像。

Surfing with Satoshi. Art, Blockchain and NFTs

Surfing with Satoshi

Domenico Quaranta, Surfing con Satoshi. Arte, blockchain e NFT, Postmedia Books, Milan 2021. 250 pp., 87 ill., 220 x 140 mm, isbn 9788874903030. Italian.

Abstract and Index: Italian / English

Introduction: Italian / English (Medium)

Full Bibliography and link

Buy on Amazon (22,80 €, paperback; 9,99, eBook, Italian Edition)

Surfing con Satoshi. Arte, blockchain e NFT


(Italian below) I’m happy to announce that my latest book, Surfing con Satoshi. Arte, blockchain e NFT (Postmedia Books, 2021) is now available in Italian on Amazon with a pre-sale discount, and will be soon available in bookstores. Non-Italian readers may have to wait a bit for an English version, but hopefully they may enjoy a few materials I made available on this website: a short English abstract, a translated index of the book, and a complete bibliography with hyperlinks. Now, let’s switch to Italian…